Friday, 9 February 2018

Four at four

Today marks the fourth anniversary of Is This The Life?. This past year has been a difficult one for the blog, as regular readers will know. I'm still here though, even if I'm not as prolific as before. On the upside, this last 12 months has seen the average number of hits per post shoot up. That's mainly down to the R.E.M. series which has proven to be immensely popular. I'm glad about that as, when I started it, I considered it a kind of make-or-break item; if it hadn't taken off I might well have called it a day. In fact, I had this day down as my potential farewell date. As it is though, I'm sticking around for a little bit longer.

Cheers for keeping the faith. Here's some tunes. Four songs with four in the title for four years of existence. How very original.


  1. America elects you to another 4-year term!

  2. Happy 4th Robster. Stick in there.

  3. Glad you're still here, as it's a great blog. Here's to another 4, at least.

  4. Congratulations to you. Robster. If you keep posting, I’ll keep reading.

  5. Belated happy returns. Really pleasing to read that you're going to keep things going.
